We Are a Full Service, One-Stop, Flooring Source For
t Carpet  tVinyl  tWood  tTile  tStone  t Carpet Cleaning 

Atlanta Carpet offers a wide range of carpet and flooring services from high-end decorator retail sales to cash & carry sales for the do-it-yourselfer. Read more

Our specialty is service to the real estate investor and residential property management industry via low cost installed packages. 

This site was created to familiarize our customers with our extended services  through focused divisions known as ACS - Atlanta Carpet Services, and Atlanta Flooring Resource & Design.  We are your comprehensive resource for floor covering information.  We hope your visit today will be both helpful and informative. You are invited to visit often, as we continue to add content tailored specifically to our customer responses. Please feel free to contact us with your feedback and questions, tell us what you want to see. 

Our showroom and warehouse is convenient to metro Atlanta, Georgia during regular business hours or by appointment.
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Atlanta Carpet Service 
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A Division of Atlanta Carpet Services LLC
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Carpet Cleaning